I am still don't great, wouldn't say I am getting much smarter. Down to about half a brain-cell these days. (it's a really good one though, pushing it overtime) Elyse is also doing great, but not as great as she was doing last week!
Awesome to hear. You put yourself out there, so glad karma didn’t show up, and bite you. Something is wrong with your picture. Maybe send a pm of it, and see if that fixes it....
@ScubaSteve Elyse certainly looks splendid! Happy to hear you are doing well. Trip report in the making?
I was thinking about breaking it apart into topics, but then that just doesn't have the same feel as a full report. So I am considering one of my long ones. However, they take a lot of time to properly put together and this first week back is very busy with work(cause no one does shit when I am gone). I am going to the beach this weekend with the boys, and then a wedding taking up the whole following weekend. So hopefully if I get some open-time midweek next, I will see what I can do.
5 days home from operation canary in the coal mine... so far so good. had a little of the regular cancun cough upon getting home but seem to be back to normal now... just in time to start packing for the next trip 9/10......
Hello everyone. Have any fellow Canadians bought extra travel insurance in case of Covid 19? Where did you get it?
Would also like to know, along with which part of country you're from... costs and all? Is it still mandatory 14 days isolation on getting back or testing works?
I (christy) loose my voice every time!! I am sure I will this time as well...will be fun explaining at work that it's not me being sick lol
Here's a very short breakdown since we've had probably 100 Canadians visit us from back home. There is a travel advisory in place. By traveling to Mexico, you surrender your rights to care for anything that happens regarding said advisory. Which means you're high and dry. World Nomads is a great option. There are a few others. There's a 99% chance you wouldn't be able to get a bed anyways. BC and Alberta are by far the worst two to deal with. Everything is payment up front or no treatment. In the eyes of the fed and prov govts, you're on your own.