Covid-19 Thoughts

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Steve, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. TigerTown

    TigerTown Addict Registered Member

    May 16, 2019
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    I would agree that some place too high of an expectation on experts and in turn, use the unrealistic expectations not being met as a basis for discrediting the expert. Regarding something "novel", it is 100% expected no one knows all the answers. However, what would the normal next step be?

    If someone is found to have a new or previously unidentified form of cancer, who would we look to for answers? I would imagine most would prefer an oncologist, even though we recognize that different cancers act differently in how they manifest and respond differently to known treatment modalities.

    If a new major tax reform comes out, who would we go to? I would imagine most would go to a CPA or tax attorney or both. Sure, they are unlikely to know every in and out of the newest tax code, but they are likely to have a much more educated guess than most.

    However, with COVID-19, where it might seem most reasonable to look to virologists and epidemiologists (who would seem to have knowledge and experience best suited for dealing with the new virus), it appears many would instead look to chiropractors, urgent care clinic docs, and random medical workers on FB for answers. Why is this? I have my own guesses, but we know debating online very rarely changes opinions :)
  2. TigerTown

    TigerTown Addict Registered Member

    May 16, 2019
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    Well the doctor in the video is a chiropractor from St. Louis, MO named Eric Nepute. Meet Dr Nepute - St. Louis Chiropractor - Nepute Wellness Center
  3. Turbot

    Turbot Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2016
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    It was not my intent no to be hard on experts. I do believe that the Dr’s Birx and Fuaci are experts in their respective fields , but they are not on Covid 19 or pandemics like covid 19 because we have not had a similar one in 100 years. I like

    Didn’t intend to be hard on experts, just wanted to define what an “Expert“ in my opinion was. I agree that the press has added much confusion. As said, I do believe Dr’s Birx and Fauci are experts in their respective fields. I believe a person with your modeling skills could provide great assistance with the topics you have mentioned but I do not believe you, me or even Steve By himself could produce the experience that the staff on the Boobs Cruise provide. Sara69, Omar, Rafa and Chinos and the boats crew are the experts. I think very few people (Steve’s staff) can provide such an
    adventure for so many different personalities. I might be wrong, but I think it took them many years to build these skills.
  4. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    (Just cause the other day we were talking about sample size, and how not everyone wants to stay in. Then today we were talking about stores being crowded)

    I just had to run out, and decided to take some shots of what I am seeing in my area. These were taken 2pm on a rainy Friday.

    Here is a line 10+ cars deep at Starbucks.

    Target - not packed, but a decent amount of people, and this isn't a Target where people do much food shopping. (also note employees do not park in this part of the parking lot)

    Lowes - Semi crowed (imagine what it looks like on a nice weekend day)

    Clearly it isn't a ghost town out there, and it's frustrating seeing these business can make money, but the next shopping center across the way, which doesn't have the "big box" stores, is barely operating.

    I am sad for service industry friends who are really hurting right now. Some of them actually took jobs at some of these types of stores. And another server I know is selling gourmet cupcakes for Mothers day. I just gave her $100 for 6 (they didn't cost that much, just added tip), and I don't even like cupcakes, haha. These poeple don't have hope until June 4th now. Just trying to help where I can. And I hope everyone is staying in good spirits and is healthy.
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    Last edited: May 8, 2020
  5. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    I agree it is stupid to look to these type of people for answers, and too much faith is being put in these types on Facebook.

    However, I know the other people you would like to hear from, and they aren't allowed to speak or won't. They don't want to take a chance with what they publicly say. Saving lives is important (its kind of part of their oath)...but they don't like the risk that speaking out posses to their financial well-being. "Disruptive" doctors do not get their partnerships renewed with hospitals.
    Last edited: May 8, 2020
  6. TigerTown

    TigerTown Addict Registered Member

    May 16, 2019
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    Oh I believe that the medical community and even thoughts within virology/epidemiology community is not monolithic. I am sure there is some disagreement for various reasons, some good and perhaps some not so good.

    I don't even necessarily think questioning what we hear experts say and researching a matter is a bad idea. I just find too many want to discredit experts by throwing their full faith behind people that have even less expertise in this area, but are saying things they would rather hear.
  7. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Ah, the joys of the +quote button...

    .... and editing (I'm removing a bit from these to try, repeat try, to make a coherent whole.)

    OK, from that I gathered something I'd screwed-up in my head. Unless you are literally (true sense of the word) combing every bit of data out there that is coming in, and the deductions opinions & conclusions thereon... most of us are only seeing a small, media-selected fraction of actual numbers. This would include raw data and the modeling which comes from that., once again, media gets in between me and the actual fact I'm trying to learn about. Shame on them for the first time, shame on me for the times afterwards.

    I can't talk for everyone else... but I'm starting to get the feeling that I'm being lied to with a purpose being behind it. That might not be rational, but it's the same sort of conflicting stories (not the specific subject matter, but the conflicting points of view and pundits arguing with each other and folks changing stance, position and policy on an almost weekly basis) that we had during the bursting of the .com bubble in 2000 and again in the mortgage-based securities implosion in 2008 that caused the first big-time bailout. I wasn't for, or really against, the bailout... I was just frustrated that, during the crisis, I felt like a mushroom (kept in the dark and fed bullshit), and wasn't really... "allowed" to form a real opinion based on actual facts.

    Again.... moreillumination. Even if not on the actual problem, but on another problem, the one against... I suppose my legal analogy would be a type of whistleblowing? I agree, it's a Very common position to be much more comfortable not rockin' the boat.

    Again, and this is just for me...I'm not thinking that I should get my corona treatment protocols from a chiropractor, or from some rural-county MD, even. What I do listen to from those individuals is that they, who do have a higher understanding of the problems at hand, are seeming to grow increasingly concerned with what they are questioning as being clearly wrong policy decisions.... and nobody is having open discourse on it. Well, not in public where we can all see/listen to the discussions... I guess that's a thing. It's not like they'd let camera crews into the lab, and even if they did, there'd be nothing to see and we'd be stuck witht he same media types telling us what it is that we're seeing....

    Blah. At least all this discussion gives us something to do.
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  8. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
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    Yeah, that's why I try to be kind of causal with this. I stayed away for a while, and tried to keep it semi neutral. It's only really the last few days I am speaking out a bit more, because I personally am seeing some things I really don't like. I don't want to fight, and I don't like to argue (not just on this topic, but it's pretty much the way I have always been on CCC). I believe, and hope, people can have discussions and not come directly at each other. Some topics do tend to get more heated than other, and with what's going on right now people are on edge more than normal. It's just the way it sadly is.

    But in good news. It's almost Friday night for me so I get to start drinking soon, and dissemble this makeshift family office/school on my dining room table (Thank god it seats 10, but sadly I can still hear Elyse eat grapes like they are rocks on one end, Max who farts way too much, and a dog who insists on being right under my feet the whole time)
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    Last edited: May 8, 2020
  9. SUPnSun

    SUPnSun Regular Registered Member

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Birx and Fuaci are just the face of teams of people that study and model this type of thing. They’re probably very smart and capable doctors, but I suspect their primary skills are in managing and communication. Helping our very non-expert elected representatives understand the issue.

    While the virus is new, epidemics are not. We have a pretty good understanding of how viruses work, how outbreaks happen, and how to contain them. We have had practice as well: SARS, H1N1, seasonal flu, Measles, AIDS, and Ebola. I get they’re different, but the follow a similar pattern. What’s is common is the more virulent and deadly the faster you have to act.

    With any new thing you have huge uncertainty in your inputs: How easily it spreads and of course how deadly. Covid spreads pretty easily/fast, and is deadly enough to warrant a response. What’s clear is it can overwhelm healthcare services and lead to a disastrous outcome if left unchecked.

    As for the Boobs Cruise... you can probably guess I’m real fun at parties! I 100% agree that Steve and the Crew are experts at what they do. I wouldn’t even bother to try.
  10. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Houston, TX
    +4,621 / 14
    That IS Good News!

    Oh, you have a funny misspelling/typo which resulted in a bit... alternative... meaning.

    "causal" This language stuff always makes me grin...

    Causal | Definition of Causal by Lexico

    As compared with the almost-certainly intended "casual:"

    Casual | Definition of Casual by Lexico

    So... you usually intend to be a person who makes things happen, I get it. LOL! Pot-stirrer, you...
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