Covid-19 Thoughts

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by Steve, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. NewAgain

    NewAgain Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 17, 2019
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    +63 / 3
    Sheltering in place will yield less of the virus while we shelter in place. Then once we are no longer sheltering in place, the numbers will inevitably trend higher again. It’s the nature of the virus.

    How fast we get back to peak levels of spread will be determined on a number of factors such a climate, social distancing, and other precautions taken by those who are no longer sheltering in place. (ie hand washing, staying home when sick, etc)

    But make no mistake about it.. None of that stuff is fool proof, it becomes more and more inconvenient over time, people will get lazy about it, and the virus isn’t going away.
    Until there’s a vaccine, and maybe even after that, there’s a problem.

    So what is really being gained by EVERYONE sheltering in place other than putting a bandaid on the current numbers?

    What we know for sure is that virus presents heightened levels of severity for those over age 65, and for people with preexisting conditions.

    The vast, vast majority of everyone else if they get it will experience anything from flu like symptoms, to cold like symptoms, to nothing at all. Could a healthy 35 year old be an outlier, get it, and die? Yes.. As healthy 35 year olds also can get cancer, and have brain aneurysms, and die in car accidents.. It happens..

    But the probability is so low that having young/ healthy people shelter in place when they could be going about their daily lives, supporting the economy, and building a foundation of herd immunity throughout society makes no sense.

    It was an appropriate path while we gathered data and figured out what is going on. But now we have enough evidence to know who this primarily effects, who it doesn’t, and we can create a sensible strategy based on calculated risk... We can actually get the world turning again!.... For some..

    Which for others means they are going to have to shelter in place for much longer than their young and healthy counterparts. Maybe until 2021 and beyond.. And that’s sad.. But people acting like if EVERYONE just hunkered down for 2 more weeks or 2 more months and that would be enough time is silly. The approach itself needs to change and it needs to be targeted... no matter how unfair or politically incorrect that might sound.

    Just my opinion of course ;-)
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    Last edited: May 4, 2020
  2. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    +4,621 / 14
    I had to go check total population. Denmark had (world-o-meter numbers) 5.79 million, and Sweden has 10.01 million. So, if that's accurate, and those numbers are accurate, that means that Sweden, who "may" be right up against herd immunity (don't you guys & gals just LOVE being called a "herd?") is about 2.5x as many deaths, with the completely different approach.

    I agree, it's going to be interesting, in a "Man, I hope that stays over ther and doesn't bother me" kind of interesting.

    Auspicious news! At least, I think.

    Opinions vary on all of this. Here's a question... we (U.S. primarily) talk so much about "the Left" & "The Right."

    Um... which side of the Who is "Left" on this, and who is "right?" If you're freakin' out because everyone really ought to stay on home lock-down... is that Left, or Right? If you think the whole thing was overblown and over-reacted-to (note double use of the hyphen erroneously performed there) is that the "Right?"

    When we all get done with this thing, whether it's by June of 2020... or December of 2027, we'll want to be able to look back and assign the blame. It's just what we do.

    .....j/k... smile, it's what it's for! I'm going to go eat my 6th delivery pizza in 10 days now. Pepperoni & Jalapeno, if you were curious. Or hungry.
  3. lakeboy22

    lakeboy22 Regular Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Have you ever tried a Hawaiian pizza with Jalapeños. You get that sweet and heat it’s pretty good for a change of pace.
  4. Chris and April

    Chris and April Guru Registered Member

    Jul 25, 2011
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    Doesnt Hawaiian pizza have pineapple on it? If so thats disgusting and illegal in 17 states
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  5. Turbot

    Turbot Enthusiast Registered Member

    Aug 6, 2016
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    I’m worried that I’ll get sick on the plane.

    According to the World Health Organization, air travel poses little risk of contracting communicable diseases, like coronavirus.

    • The quality of aircraft cabin air is carefully controlled.
    • Ventilation provides a total change of air 20–30 times per hour. Most modern aircraft have recirculation systems, which recycle up to 50% of cabin air.
    • The recirculated air is usually passed through HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, of the type used in hospital operating theatres and intensive care units, which trap dust particles, bacteria, fungi and viruses.
    (Source: WHO | World Health Organization)

    Are planes cleaned well enough to prevent coronavirus?

    According to the CDC, airline crew should follow routine cleaning procedures if no symptomatic passengers are on board a flight. If there are symptomatic passengers, however, then the CDC has outlined enhanced cleaning procedures to follow in addition to the airline's routine steps, including cleaning:

    • All surfaces within a six-foot radius of the ill passenger's location, such as their seat and seat belt, the surrounding carpet, armrests, tray tables, windows and overhead compartment handles.
    • All bathrooms used by the sick person, including the door handle, locking device, toilet seat, faucet, washbasin, adjacent walls and counter.

    • Above is a copy of of FAQ on the Applevacation site

    • Can someone please explain to me why people are not flying. I like many others have been told that planes are not safe or that diseases spread more rapidly on planes. The above would suggest we are miss informed. I also noticed that the second questions answer is no different from any other recommendation in the event a person is discovered ill anywhere.
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  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    I agree with everything you share. I think the risk is more so about the amount of people that you will come within 6 feet of while on that plane and getting on and off the plane??? We are planning (could change) to fly in mid July and I am less worried about the plane itself than the people we will be around in the airport, getting on and getting off.
  7. lakeboy22

    lakeboy22 Regular Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Lol yes it does but if you have had pizza 6 out of the last 10 days ya might just need to change it up. Plus how many times were you at temptations and someone said here try this drink and you did. Some you like some you didn’t. Give it a try.
  8. lakeboy22

    lakeboy22 Regular Registered Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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  9. webebucks

    webebucks Enthusiast Registered Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    Not sure where you live or how your state is reacting to the stay at home orders, etc. But, I will tell you that in Ohio, it's cartoonish. We are allowing the elderly, sick, those with pre-existing conditions a free for all to do as they wish (when they otherwise would move about more sensibly) at the cost of the youth and "non-essential" young adults staying home. It's absurd. Bottom line, if you have pre-existing conditions or 65+ you need to stay home...Not the other way around. Let the virus run through the healthy so that society can open up for everyone.
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  10. Headstone

    Headstone Guru Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2011
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    Calgary Alberta
    +393 / 0
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