2 great minds think alike, we could wrap them like a surrong.I was at wally world today and they have white bathing suits and also one thay was red and white with a floral pattern but no actual maple leafs. I will keep my eyes out for iron on transfers or even patches that we can sew or iron on.
Wally world sells iron on paper. I tried it and made transfers and had it all set. Biggest problem I have is the bathing suit is nylon..no ironing. So tried it and well it worked but scorched the suit a bit. So the top is garbage. Now I just have to figure out how I can do it. Glenn says take it to a silk screening shop and get them to put it on. I don't think the cost of that would be worth it. I think the instruction say to use a pillow case but what if I use something thicker to cut down the heat on the suit. Maybe it will work then . The maple leaf looked hot..........I want this to work. Yes I will buy another top.
Lol is that on your wish list..........oh lalalala! It's 130.00 dollars. Saw it at a passion party the other night. 8 speeds and motions..could drive a girl nuts.
no i own it monique, its fab-u-lous!!! You would wonder with the olympics being here in canada that it wouldnt have been this difficult getting a bathing suit.
Funny to only canadian suits i have found are both in the US. Well I am gonna try it again but maybe I will use two pillow case to cut down the heat to the bikini. It all trial and error and I new I would end up wrecking one part. The side that worked looked so good I just have ot make this work. I used the Molson canadian maple leaf clip art. It was hot.
I have everyone here and who pm'd me down for the swap, I know there will be more. After talking to some of the other couples we decided that to make it easier whichever couple you pick out of the hat you will give your gift too, roll on April xo