i dont recall ever seeing canadian flag wrapping paper, but im sure in the next few weeks we will start to see more canada stuff in stores.We bought some temp. tattoos for international day.
beck only two weeks how many couples so far? i think we are around 25 couples - should be a fun toy swap rob
I have 24 on the list, hopefully didn't miss anyone! I can email you at home the names if you want to post roll call? I'm not that computer savvy lol
24 or 25 is great (sounds like we will have over 50 people out by the quiet pool) about double from last year should be an incredibly fun evening - just two weeks from now rob
yeah who else is in? if you need american wrapping paper let me know and i will bring you some - i've got 10 different rolls of patriotic american paper giving one to april showers/hillbilly giving one to poppy/lisa giving one to stephan and kendra anyone else need some american wrapping paper for their toy swap gift????? rob