First of all I've read the BBG/Temptations board for a long time. I've always wanted to visit with wife in tow. Last year we were without kids :lotsofmichaelf: and we wanted to have a quiet getaway so we went to Avalon Baccara and it was awesome. However, it was a little too tame for my likes. I was the only one willing to have "a 'lil fun" at Baccara. My wife is a little more modest than me (Okay, a lot more modest), but I'd like to have a lil more "party" like atmosphere this year again minus kids . My question is two parts, and I've read similar questions when it was BBG but want to know if it's different as Temptations. 1. I know I don't care (stay nude all day), but if the wife didn't feel comfortable is there an area now that is a "little bit" more tame? 2. Has anyone had any experience with a spouse that was more modest? Did the "environment" open up the spouse to not necessarily full-on nude behavior, but innocent fun? :flash:
#1 there is the quiet pool. It is exactly that - quiet. Low keyed music and most people seem to be laying around quietly reading a book. #2 I think a lot of women are a bit nervous about going topless at first and I would say that its about 50/50 around the pool as to how many women are topless at any given time. There is no pressure to go topless, wear tiny bikini's etc (unless you are the one pressuring her)....the whole atmosphere at TTR is be yourself, let your hair down and enjoy yourself. BTW...BBG/TTR really its the same just a new dress. Have fun...wish I was going again soon.
topless I would never pressure her rod: but I sure wouldn't complain either. :bow: :flash: I guess I'm just wondering if her private (closet freak side) *don't tell her I said that* would come out over the course of the week?
We are going the 20th of June. I am normally a pretty contained person, but I am planning to let it all out while at temptations. CAN NOT WAIT! I think that after a few days of being there she will let lose. What is the worst thing that could happen? You may just have to spend a lot of time at the quiet pool. Curiosity will probably get the best of her.
I just have to convince her to go!! I could do like I did last year and just book it, and tell her to go or I'll take her sister!! Just kidding of course, her sister doesn't have quite the puppies my wife has!
My wife and I will be taking our 5th trip to BBG/ TTR this July. She was pretty modest on our first trip....for about three hours..then the top was hasn't been back on since :lol: Everyone is very cool pressure to go topless. There are always plenty of women that keep their tops on. Try TTR, you will have a blast! First drink is on us Ronald
Just have here watch channel 12 (ESPN) until she will either come out and play or keep you in the room and play it's a win win for you either way.
you just never know there might be a episode of Wife Swap, 1st 1/3 of your visit you get to play your rules the 2nd you play her rules. then you all get together and see what new things you have learned from the experience. Now the last 1/3 is usually the most interesting, that is when the couples get back together and try the new things they have learned a few more times. Hopefully ABC won't frown on my changing of the rules, just a fun twist on reality TV. Wow, just think of what we could do with Rock of Love?