Don't worry about it. It's usually GROUPS of single males that are a problem. Plenty of singles there who behave appropriately and fit right it.
O wasn't trying to discredit anyone. It is very possible that someone could be grabbing an ass or a boob they shouldn't be with a quick squeeze, then run off. Could happen so fast the victim doesn't have time to respond. But if I saw anyone trying to stick their entire first in some drunk girls private parts I would be shoving my fist down their throat. Some things are worth getting arrested for, even in Mexico.\ ...But Donald you are right, the OP's definition of the term could be different then mine.
I can't speak for all the single guys, but I at least take the lady out for a nice meal before I try to fist her in public lol! However the point stands, some people are just creepy, and weird, and really? fisting? YUCK!