Its funny how the name and explanations are different for each person, for me, when I was younger , im 31 now, but when I was younger and used to stay at Oasis, people would say" oh my god all the young partiers and sex stuff and naked games and crazy atmosphere, my god Jim when are you going to grow up" Than years ago I switch to Blue Bay/Temptations and tell people im going to temptations , its an adults only resort, ..they all say, its about time you grew up and grew out of that partying perceptions are a case by case study I guess haha
We told everyone the Grand Oasis but I got into trouble at work when one of my coworkers announced that they had been there just a year earlier and proceeded to ask me tons of questions I had no idea about. I just made up answers and claimed that we did not do too much at the resort. Then I needed help winning the Miss Temptations contest and the whole plan went awry. To my knowledge, no one knows yet at work, but I did have to tell all friends and family to get their help with the votes. Long story short. If you are going to tell a story, be prepared to back it up with some sort of fact.
because we've been to it when it was BBG we explained to everyone what it was like.... Adults only but not Hedo. That's pretty vague I think.