I will soon visit Mexico (at last!!!) with some friends. Our plan is simple: coast to coast by car starting from Cancun (even if we don't know our final destination yet... any suggestion?). We’re also looking for some kind of cheap travel insurance, so any advice is welcome. And thanks in advance!
I went to Mexico some years ago (although I was there for the hiking rather than the road trip!). Cancun was a fantastic place to visit even if I didn’t get travel insurance that time, but I understand its importance now! I’ve seen some sites mentioned, such as http://www.insuremore.co.uk/?pg=home , but I’m not an expert I’m afraid!
My advise would be to change your priority in the type of insurance you are looking for. If you plan on getting insurance to cover your trip, you should be looking for insurance that will cover those things that are likely to happen, or most likely to happen, rather than just looking for "something cheap." I assure you that if you are just looking for "something cheap",....... when and if you actually need to cash in, you'll be wondering why you purchased a "cheap policy" that didn't cover anything....... As they say, buyer beware!! Michelle