Poolside I have seen some crazy pool side injuries, some have been pretty nasty, that pool area can get real slippery even for a sober person, then you add alcohol and trying to do the curly shuffle with your drinks back to the group = accident bound to happen.. P.S. Wanted to Make my 500th Post on one of your Post Rob , Only seemed fitting haha ha . Hope all is good buddy
Re: Poolside thanks jim - make s me feel good somebody besides tonya and the kids think of me all is great here!! wife, all the kids at home, movies and cooking all day - - - > christmas around the corner - very fortunate and grateful - hope all is well with you too
Re: Poolside Glad to hear all is good buddy, Yes I believe one of my first post was on one of your threads and we were talking about the Giants/ Cowboys...Speaking of which, its a big day for the NFC East, So i am making some food and relaxing with some family and friends as well.. So all is good hear too buddy, Unless of course the Giants loose later, then the house will be cleared out quick ...haha
Re: Poolside truth be told this is how much i hate the eagles.......... i had rather the eagles lose than the cowboys or saints win cmon man!!!!
Slippery when wet!! I would really like to see TTR do away with the slippery tile strip near the mens & ladies room at the pool, seen more than 1 person go down there and not in a good way! :wink: !! BTW, J-E-T-S, J-E-T-S, J-E-T-S!!!!!
Re: Slippery when wet!! I agree that is a slippery area.... Oh and if anyone is at the resort now, could you check to see if the GIANTS defense is still passed out on the beach, cuz they sure as hell were not at the game yesterday lol...thanks