Club Sandwich Cafe has a great new website. Take a look at it. It was designed by my good friend. The $1 beers are now $1.50 but still a great deal and this place is super for a great sandwich or salad and to people watch, probably the best people watching place in Centro.
TJ, I just checked out the web site. Everything looks fabulous. I will certainly be paying them a visit on my next trip. By the way, trying to make up my mind whether to come in late September or mid/Late October. Any suggestions, because of the weather? Thanks and thanks for the link to that great site....Jaki
Well it is technically storm season both times. It will be a bit cooler in Oct of course so a lot depends on how much time you want to spend in the pool or the sea, etc. Really, I don't think you will see much appreciable difference in the weather either way. So, as the Price is Right guy would say, Come On Down.
Thanks TJ. We normally come in November, so I just wondered if the weather was around the same as it is at that time of year. I'm coming either way!!! We were there in April for three weeks and although I realize it is much warmer at that time of year, I don't care what the weather is like, as long as I am in Cancun. Hope to meet up with some of the folks from the board at My Place while we are down....J