I know this has been covered in a few different post, but when I searched "clothing" I received quite a few pages of conversation. This is our first time to TTR and I don't want to overpack for the 10 day vacation split between TTR and Paradisus. Plus, we are going shopping this weekend and I don't need my wife trying to dupp me into buying crap she doesn't need for the trip. Fellas you feel me? How much nice clothing do we need to bring? When we go out to the city it is pretty relaxed right (jeans, tennis shoes, t-shirt or collared shirt)? Do I need to bring slacks or khacki pants for anything? Sexy Dresses and heels for the ladies correct? What about jackets/sweatshirts for booze cruise, excursions, etc. Don't worry boys (or girls) I got the Wicked Weasel stuff sorted out for the wife at the sexy pool. Putting in the order tonight. Kristin's wishlist is quite lengthy, do I even bother buying the tops? Lastly, Kristin was going to buy some lingerie and what she will wear in front of friends will be slightly toned down. Boys you can look, but please don't touch...ladies I have no rules for you of course. We are missing casino lingerie night and are trying to throw our own mini lingerie soiree, but outside of our own efforts are their any other times where people party with lingerie on? Last question, I was thinking of buying a waterproof camera and was looking at the Pentax W60 and the Olympus Stylus 1030 SW. Any thoughts on these? See you soon. Ciao! NokidsYet
Hey guys- If you go to any of the speciality restaurants--it's dress casual. I saw alot of the men (including mine) wearing slacks, khaki's, with collared shirts. Women are sexy with heels. I wore lingerie twice other than the lingerie night while I was there. Oh, and I only brought two tops just for excursions. Other than that, I didn't even start out the morning with one--just a cover up. I have no clue on the waterproof camera--let me know what you find out. I definately want to take one next year. Alot of action takes place in the pools. :wink: Have a great trip!! Teresa
I picked the Olympus Stylus 850SW before i went in May...I loved it...Works great underwater so don't miss any of the action... :lol: Read instruction careful....LOL... Don't want to mess it up...Bring an extra battery and media card... I got a 2GB card and it last all week. One thing i didn't do was use it in the seas...They say you can but need to wash it with fresh water right after. I used the Kodak Disposible water camera for going into the sea...So it's up to you...Hope you two have a BLAST... :lol:
Check these out: http://www.sealife-cameras.com/cameras/digital.html I bought an ECOShot, and it worked flawlessly.
It is hot as H*ll in August so I would plan on shorts for everything but the specialty restaurants (they have gotten more strict on the whole dress code thing :evil: ). My hubby usually changes into shorts after dinner to go out to the clubs. No need for jackets or sweatshirts, either. I usually wear dresses or skirts...so much cooler to go out in. We'll be there 8/3-8/10..we'll buy you a drink at the pool ! Beth and Mike
I bought the Olympus 1030 right before we left in May. It somehow malfunctioned and got water in it. But my guess it was a fluke. Just really upsetting to have happen in the middle of your vacation obviously. As for clothes. Well I tend to overpack. This time esp. since I lost weight and had fun shopping for my smaller size. I think it is best to have a couple tops for excursions unless you dont plan on any. Men need some pants for the reservation restaurants.
Re: Thanks everyone for chimming in. Your thoughts and opinions are very valuable to us. By the way, Angie we are sorry that your camera broke during the trip...what a bummer. What's funny about this site is I check it probably 10 times throughout the day. When I posted last night I was probably checking the post every 5 minutes for replies for about 2 hrs. Can you say addicting! I hope TTR is as addicting as the forum. We have full confidence that we are going to have a terrific time because we already feel part of the TTR family and you don't even know us yet. Cheers!
My quick advice: Read as many of the stickies posted here and in the TTR Lounge, they have great tips buried in them. "Pre-Meet" as many people possible on here, and once you recognize them at TTR, walk up and introduce yourselves. Hanging out with a group is much more fun than just keeping to yourselves. Marsh
I bought a vivitar 6200w. it is waterproof up to 30ft i dont know what that is in meters but, if she is making you buy alot of other crap, this is only about $130 more economical than the stylus. It still takes good pics.