Well there you go! If it is like many other celebrations, well except for Day of the Dead (a true serious religious holiday that they do lots of work and setup for) it will most likely not be that much different than an ordinary day assuming the party is hoppin’ as usual. But it is the thought that counts!
Last year, and this year again, they are doing Drinko De Mayo Fiesta. EVENT DETAILS Join us for a chipping, dipping, margarita sipping at our Drinko de Mayo celebration. You’ll need a siesta after this fiesta, taco about a party! One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, one more tequila and you’ll be on the dance floor. Daytime: Mechanic bull and Sexy Mexican Macho contest Evening: Mexican performance and mariachi Dress Code: Mexican colors (red, green and white)
So they do have something planned, and are attempting something special. As I previously posted it will be much of the typical same and everyone needs to participate to make it anything special and above the ordinary. Wondering how was it last year? Participation?
They do have a little something extra planned. But like everyone said, it's not much different than a normal day there.
we will be there april 29th to May 6th, gonna be epic its Michael's 50th birthday on May 3rd. Party like its Cinco de Mayo 2020 everyday