2 questions: 1. What is the smoking policy around the resort? 2. What do cigs cost down there? Thanks.
You can still smoke everywhere outside, but any of the inside bars or resturants are now non smoking.
And smoking in the rooms was OK (last February) when I was last there. However, the tobacco products in Mexico are a little sub-par by U.S. standards. But if you can handle generic smokes in the U.S. you will enjoy the bargins in Mexico.
We usually bring our own cigarettes with us. Sometimes it's a little embarrassing when customs opens our suitcases and sees cases of cigarettes...we feel like cigarette smugglers. Ronald
Consider picking up a couple of cartons at the duty free at the airport. I pick some up for a friend a few weeks ago $24 a carton (marlboro). They will bring them to you as you get on the plane. Have a good trip!
Bring a butt cup, you can find them at any walmart, gas station and such....they are extremely convenient so the ashes dont go flying all over in an open ashtray at the pool, not to mention it saves the workers and bartenders from emptying it.....and dont just toss your butts or leave them by the pool, there are ashtrays by each garbage can, there are always people who just put their cigarettes out by their chair and then leave them lay there for the workers to pick up off the ground, thats just rude. We usually stick our butt cup in a baggie and keep it in our pool bag for easy access. Have fun!!!