
Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by CandG126, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. 2fromNH

    2fromNH Enthusiast Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2013
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    New Hampshire
    +2 / 0
    It's a disgusting habit I will agree LOL my wife and I both smoke, we do not smoke in our house, we are respectful as possible of the people around us that do not smoke. I think the ratio of people that smoke at TTR is higher than the people that do not. The fans have been a great addition to Paty O's! just the simple fact that it is circulating air. We have only ever brought in 1 carton of cigarettes with us...then purchased the rest at OXO, Walmart is expensive....but the prices at OXO seem to be comparable to the USA if not slightly cheaper, the deals are in Duty Free on your way out, you are allowed (last I knew) 2 cartons per person, we went with 2 other couples this last April and none of them smoke but you can bet your sweet asses they all got 2 cartons on the way out!!! LOL (2 cartons for the price of 1 in the USA).
  2. Elle

    Elle Addict Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Manchester UK / Toronto CAN
    +638 / 0
    I very rarely smoke cigs anymore, except when I'm on vacation. It just seems right to be laying out in the sun, half naked, with a drink in one hand, and something to smoke in the other. I let myself indulge in a few packs of extra light super slims over the couple weeks I'm at the resort, but I always try to stand away from others, or I ask those around me before I light up.
  3. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Central Michigan
    +2,849 / 3
    Better be careful what you're smoking!... You're from Houston and that is only about 800 miles from Cancun, LOL... But I get what you're saying that in every sense it feels like thousands of miles away from everywhere else, which is one of the reasons we love it too. You're on vacation at TTR, so smoke, drink, and anything and everything else to your hearts content!
  4. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Central Michigan
    +2,849 / 3
    No.. Leave it up... You're part of the community too and have something to say, even after Happy Hour.
  5. 2plus4

    2plus4 Guru Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    I too smoked for years and I also quit smoking a number of years ago then went back and quit again coming up on 5 years now, I too notice if I'm somewhere and there's a lot of smoke it can irritate the sinuses so I excuse myself..I also have friends that smoke and if we're out together and they leave for a smoke I'll go with them in order to keep the conversation flowing that's my choice. I do appreciate when some one asks if they mind if they light up and have never said no, don't like it when it gets blown directly in my face so if that can be avoided then I say smoke away. The only time things bother me to where I say anything and this applied for when I smoked as well was when someone lit up at a table when I was eating, hated it then still do. Just my pet peeve, have never found the smoking to be too big of a problem at TTR. Although I would ask the ladies when walking through Paty O's if they could learn to cup the heater end into your palm when walking through the crowd instead of pointed straight out that would be appreciated... the guys know what I mean. Have almost been burnt a time or two by accident of course. Now having said all that I just want to say let's all remember why we go there in the first place.... TO HAVE A GREAT F'ING TIME.
  6. Donald

    Donald Devil's advocate Registered Member

    Dec 2, 2010
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    USA Stats

    Smokers down 2% to 15 % last year,, won't be long before we have nothing to complain about .
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