Today I googled "cancun rip offs" for inspiration on my new Cancun Rip Off web page: And I came across this: Have a read, it's quite disturbing - seems like the guy was helping some war criminal escaping the Hague war crimes trial from the Serb/Croat war. It's from a while back but a little worrying to read we have people like this living among us. And perhaps an insight as to why Immigration might really be so strict.... although he apparently lived here for 9 months without one mention of Fm3's etc.
A bit of a creep isn't he? But not everyone is as proper and upstanding as me and Steve and Tracey...smirk.
Just skimmed this one, but what the hell was he talking bout when he said the best street in downtown Cancun is Niccehabi...or something like that?
"The best street in the old town is Nicchehabi. There is a monsterous night club featuring a house band with a fantastic belorussian guitar slinger that turns every old song or new hit into some sort of wild homage to Eddie Van Halen and Yngwie Malmsteen." Hmmm. That sounds interesting. :^) Nicchehabi is off Yaxchilan, in SM24.