This just ame through my door. Ocean Club Suites Pok Ta pok are offering cancunenses a day pass which includes use of pool/sunbeds/towels and the squash court for 100 pesos per adult and 50 pesos for a child between 6 and 12. The 100 pesos can be credited against food and drink. Obvioulsy no beach here but a nice pool area. Tel 998 883 46 25 website is Rgds Tracey
How do you get there? (I haven't ventured into pok ta pok except for to see Deana). When it's super hot out, all I want is a pool.
But you can get there by going to the entrance to Pok to Pok and turning right (duh) and it is about 1/4 mile or 400 meters on the right.
Hey smart ass. Stop it or i'll pok your pok. Actually there is more than one way to get into that darned place and that doesn't mean I know which one and which way to turn and what the place looks like on the outside. Having a good day TJ? Since you are being so sweet I want to order some stuff so can I send it to you or is that against the law because I'm a dumb dumb? Want some gum gum?
Hey Liz and Steve, Liz - ship away but hurry. Email me with details. Space is getting tight. And at Steve's he usually has a cooler out by the pool and the bathrooms are clean and close. I just don't get invited but I crashed in one time.
Tracey - Thanks for the heads up, good to know. Isn't there something terribly wrong with that squash court? Isn't that the one that's way too small AND has a pipe in the corner by the tin? Cancun is not a squash mecca...
Elizabet, TJ, Steve, Rivergirl......I love u guys. And to see u getting along so well here, it does my heart good. You are the reasons I visit *your* Q. Roo forum over all the rest (from my frigid home north of the 49th Parallel.) I'll be there for 7 weeks soon: Feb. 27th we arrive!