Tomorrow. Heading to airport around lunch, then got an overnight stay and fly 9am Thursday. Should be at resort in time for dinner! Hope your packing has gone well.
I get in around 4:30 Thursday evening. Should be at the resort by 6 (earlier if the customs line isn't too long but that never happens)
Imo.... while everyone should wear what they feel comfortable in, if no one goes for all out/ extreme.... no one else will either unless they are an exhibitionist. Fat, thin or in between.... all of us girls (and guys...) have their hang-ups! Temptations is meant to be about leaving them at home with no judgements.... So, give it a go and you may be surprised how many other people follow!!!
Tomorrow at this time I will be dragging my drunk ass out of the sexy pool & getting ready for dinner!!! I can't believe it's here!!!!! See all you wonderful people soon!!! :icon_cool: