I was in Party City over the weekend, looking for a Halloween costume and had to run out! Seeing all that stuff had me re-evaluating all of my TTR outfits. I just can’t do that to myself! The good news is I decided to use some of the TTR outfits I have bought on line, that ended up in the NO pile, to mash together as a VooDoo doll costume
Have to start keeping up with this thread more. Don and trish Aren't making it and Coree and I aren't bringing ours so if you want to bring it go for it! Mines in storage and I'm only going to have 24 hours to drive home and pack and hit the airport. Stumped on animal night. Any ideas? Might end up buying another elephant costume.
I can buy one and bring it, but I don’t want to be responsible for bringing it back and forth everyday. Let me know
TBH, I wouldn't worry so much about the table. It's used less and less each year and is a pain dragging back and forth each day I'm sure. Oh and 6 WEEKS LEFT!!!!! Anyone still not booked who is thinking of going? Get on that before it sells out!
ohhh my god is it only 6 weeks!!!!... had a crazy busy summer.. need to get into my holiday mood...I close the pub in 10 days.. then time to shop and party yipeee:huepfen021:
Anyone else feel like it is like getting ready run a marathon to prepare for a trip? Excitement, struggle, anticipation, exhaustion, countdown, adrenaline, focus, anxiety and best of all the inability to wait? Yeah - me either for all except that last one
I don't know nothing about running marathons but I love getting ready for a trip! Today I am rearranging my dance/yoga room to set up the packing area. So excited!
Chaos Theme night calendar Chaos crew had a great calendar that was attached to November theme nights and several other threads. For some reason it has disappeared from all the threads.:icon_cry::icon_cry: Would someone who is part of Chaos crew be willing to resubmit the theme night list in a different format to be posted as a reminder everyone?? It started on November 24th into the month of December.