Awesome! as long as someone makes sure he doesn't fall off the boat. Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
Well I already watch out like a hawk for Russ going overboard or drowning when he intentionally goes in the water, I'm sure I can keep an eye on Kurt too.
Some might wonder why I never go in the water on a Boobs Cruise. To be honest, I swim like a fish and can stay afloat for hours without effort - but, I'm watching out for my husband and ready to dive in the moment he looks like he needs help! I feel like a lifeguard on the Boobs Cruise when anyone is in the water.
I noticed and appreciate that you do that. I think that's why I can relax more on a chaos crew Boobs Cruise and I couldn't on our last one. I should clarify that there was nothing wrong or even different about that last cruise in April, it was just me not having a great time. Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
It's been 2 years...I'm tired of being remembered of how I was nearly kicked in the head and somebody else (sorry two people) were actually hurt by accident...let's let this incident lie to rest. An accident shouldn't get this much stick! Geez I'm waiting for someone else to slip on the wet deck so we can all move on!
As long as we get in ONE Boobs Cruise during our trip (11/28-12/6), we're good. And this time, NO TEQUILA SHOTS for hubby!!
Retired Lifeguard - I can help keep an eye on the guys for you Trish and long as I do not consume too much alcohol.
Well the boat got its revenge on Kurt. He was missing a toenail on the last cruise. Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk