I like it so far. I think cosplay works better than heroes villains because it's broader and I think Kurt and I have a great matched set for that night. Hehe. Would you believe that I have no shopping to do unless we add in Hawaii night? Trish - congrats on the job. I'm proud that you made the leap to something hopefully better. I hope that by November I will be able to say the same! Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
I do believe it!! lol Sadly, I have a closet full of stuff that I have bought for Temptation over the years. I'm more risque when shopping...but more reserved when actually packing. The result is I have worn the same outfits year after year. Maybe this will be the year I crawl slowly out of my comfort zone
My husband and I are coming to Temptations for the First time The first part of December!!! This will be my first all inclusive experience. Any Suggestions on anything???? We are SOOO excited!! You guys sound like a really fun group.
Hi! My husband and I went our first time last December 7-12 and we had a blast. You will make friends on this site and on your trip for life oxox go through all the threads/comments/posts about the time you are going to get a feel for things. many will offer excellent advice. read the posts about people's first times. you MUST go on a Boobs Cruise, they kick ass. go with an open mind and a fun attitude and you won't be disappointed. I cried the last day because I didn't want it to end...
Hi all, We partied with Chaos Crew in Dec of 2012. Had a great time. Made the mistake of trying somewhere different in Dec of 2013. So, just booked today for Nov 3 - Dec 7, 2014 at TTR. Can't wait to return and party with all the fun people again.