Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, was wondering what night would be appropriate for "The Purple Thingie"...oh Damn it"s TTR not HEDO, lol. Jess, ask no questions and I won't tell you the truth
I used to be in the witness protection program so I know how to keep a secret. (Crap! Everyone forget you heard that!) :blueshock:
We arrive on December 1 around 1pm...I am guessing most of the Chaos Crew will be on the Boobs Cruise....anyone not going out on the boat?
Not everyone goes. Worse comes to worse it gives you 5 hours of drinking shots to catch up to us...almost! Ive been walking twenty miles a week and am still fluffy so if I can fit you in my backpack you cant complain. On the plus side since your 4 months older than me I can use jailbait jokes again! :aetsch011: