Trish, I can bring you a can if you like. Any preference in flavour.......if there are options? :huepfen013:
Addicted!!!! Daily (sometimes multiple times) reading of this board and December roll call is my daily fix!!! Hearing all the stories (you guys sound like a great group) and advice are somewhat addictive!!!! Love it!!! Anticipating a great time with a great group of people that will last a lifetime!!! See you guys soon:lotsofmichaelfs:
Wait until your trip gets closer, then you'll purposly drink a gallon of water just so you can wake up in the middle of the night and check updates on the way to the bathroom!
theme nights... the theme list was updated, as Lynne w requested sports night this is the latest one thur lingerie fri 29th... white and neon glow & glitter sat 30th... xmas sun 1st... boob cruise mon 2nd.... animal tue 3rd.. UNIFORM wed 4th.. dress to impress. thur lingerie fri 6th... white night sat 7th.. xmas sun 8th.boob cruise !! this is yet to be confirmed.. could be 7th,8th 9th mon / school uniform tue 10th...FETISH wed 11th...dress to impress thur lingerie
Thanks! Anything will do. I'd bring normal cream but it's just not the same! Can see this year is really shaping up to be amazing! Looking forward to meeting the regulars who couldn't make it last year.
Their many tales of greatness was not exaggerated, it seems that every year always tops the one before it! :huepfen013:
We'll bring the can of cherry of that we bought for Kurt's b-day and never opened. I think it's terrible but I am sure someone will enjoy it. Not recommended for white night unless you want to be pink.