Come on BOOB CRUISES ON SALE ..selling out fast, hurry up and pay yourt deposits for 26th and 30th xx
Been crazy this year work-wise, because we went in January this year as well - had no other holidays all year to fit this one in!
Sorry for missing you Sue. Thank you for planning all the theme nights even though I don't participate in a lot of them. Last year I tried on some and plan on doing some again this year. I am just not as creative as most people on here but still do enjoy the theme nights
We are in for the Boobs Cruise on the 30th. Waiting for the Dec dates to open up as well. Skinny dipping was an added bonus!!
Coree DONT WORRY I have your back , I will bring some extras so u will never have to miss a theme night again...evil cackle....:wuerg011:
Skinny dipping in the ocean is pretty cool...I feel like it's something to brag about. Gotta be careful doing a cannon ball though because it can work like an know...:doh: