Can't always be about you Karen!! And just because your wrist is the size of a toothpick?????? the rest of us have normal size arms?? Just saying!! LOL
I'm not sure but I bet it would involve hellfire and brimstone. Scary when I'm looked to for sanity and reason! :cool014:
I was really tempted. This past Sunday I thought for the hell of it I would check what prices were going for on and it was for Monday the 26th thru Saturday Dec 1st for only $750.00. That's hotel and airfare. Just isn't in the budget
Oh my goodness...I better check out that site! Better do some overtime and get your trip booked, Andy. Need you to back me up on the vball court!
Prices dropped a little bit more this week. I'm looking at $2000 for 17 days with coupon. I'm hoping they can drop some more though in the next month.
No price drop here. But $2000 sounds pretty good for 17 days. Although I guess your flight is a lot cheaper than mine, so ya, you should be able to do better than $2K I would think Jesse.
I think it has to do with this being the first year that we have a direct flight instead of having layovers. A direct 2 1/2 hour flight will beat 9 hours of traveling any day.
Jesse, any chance you can get someone local to go with you and share a room, orbitz is about 1500 per person for 17 days with a direct flight from your area without the coupon and in the past you could find cancun coupons for $200 off