awww... We will miss this crew as we are coming in Dec 9 -16th.... We got in on the cheap alpha sale and just picked the latest we could this year.... Oh well... Im sure we will be returning soon, hopefully TTR isnt in recovery mode after Chaos crew leaves!!!!
We are booked for our second trip down for Dec 1 - 10. We had a great time on our first time down with the April Addicts and are looking forward to meeting and partying our asses off with the Chaos Crew.
Yay! I can personally vouch for the fact that the April and December crews are AMAZING! Welcome to the Crew!
Just over 25 weeks now until I'm back at TTR! Going to keep this thread going, and hopefully more November/early December's will join in, get-to-know-you type stuff! I'm celebrating my 30th on Dec 4th, and planning to pull off some kind of crazy beach party with drinks and games in the afternoon, unless there's a Boobs Cruise that day of course, then it's obvious what I'm doing!!
25 weeks untill P-A-R-T-Y We’re having a bit of a heat wave here in the UK but I've been telling every on that its nothing to compared to Cancun baby!! I was thinking that I hope you guys will help me celebrate my birthday like last year! well not like last year as the day before I over did the tequila during the Dirty minds competition at the Sexy pool (My team won by the way) forgot to eat a proper dinner before doing another load of tequila shots at Daddyo's and did some very unladylike things. The following day I spent my birthday morning upon the Boobcruse having to refuse all the shots and cocktails as I felt nauseous. After a spot of scuba diving and lunch I felt much better and was raring to go and my bikini top mysteriously disappeared... Can't wait to make some memories with you guys! Roll on November/December
idea of dates for Boobs Cruise 2012 how do these dates look for this 2012 chaos crew Boobs Cruise.. thursday 29th november sunday 9th december xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of course i´m up for both:aktion025:
If there is no Miss T finale week in January, I will book for Nov. 28 - Dec 5, so the 29th also works for me. Hmmm...I think these dates won't work for Big Sexy tho, and he and his wife Jessica are great people we'd want on the boat. Anyway, we have LOTS of time to sort out the dates.
fun time Hi All Friends 9 th DEC. good for us. See you all there for sum GOOD FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!:aktion025: