fun time We will be there for the third Dec in a row. The first two weeks. We can not wait to see all old friends and make new friends. SUN< BOOBS< BOOZE>SEX and FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!!:aetsch004::headbanger:
I missed meeting you two last came in a day or two after I left. Looking forward to seeing you this year!
fun time Yes last year we did missed you and love to meet you to. Looks like this year is the one that is gona ROCK!!!!!! It is Leap Year. The FUN is at TTR. BOOBS, BOOBS, SUN,& SEX LOVE TO ALL OLD AND NEW FRIENDS:lotsofmichaelfs::wave:
I'm booked! Check out Steve's link for Alpharooms. I booked my flight right away too and saved $600 over what I paid last year. Nov 29th -Dec 13th...see ya all then xox
That's great, Christa! Seems like Alpharooms is offering some good deals lately. I'm looking at either Nov. 28 - Dec 5, or Dec 1-8. Looking forward to seeing you! :aktion069:
ATTENTION ALL CHAOS CREW PEOPLE. Book your rooms now with alpharooms. You will never get a cheaper price. For 10 days Dec 3-13 our price was $509. (plus transfers and credit card fee) We are in for less than $550 total. Make sure you connect through this site so Steve will get his cut. I will cancel my previous booking of $1508 when the confirmation comes through on my credit card but I will still save around $900. I know that if it sounds too good to be true it usually is but in this case I'm going to take a chance. Larry