I was so proud of myself. Got a buddy away from someone bothering him last night by starting with "I've been to Dallas" and he didn't even have to go through an "And Pull!"
I didnt know there was a topic!!!! thought it was just about all keeping in touch throughout the year.. and planning our next visit......JESSIE..is the picture countdown starting soon, i need something to brighten up my mornings lol
Yes WHERE ARE THE PICTURES?! I personally know that you received over 400 from Craig, so get busy and start postin', big guy! :aktion054:
Sheesh, give a guy a chance. I have alot of pics but I have to choose ones I can post and edit the others. I've got my cruise in two weeks and then a week later going to Philly to meet my brother in laws brand new twins. (who better be born by then since I've already bought the ticket) I should be all set and ready to go by the time i get back. I want to be able to do day by day like last year so this is will be the best time to start and it'll still be over 250 days. Deep breaths everyone. :daveandmo:
Almost spit out my drink when I read that. We really should make some T-Shirts with all the sayings we've collected so far.
JESSIE have a great cruise and philly trip, hope you got work sorted TRAVIS, and KAREN what can we do until jessie is ready to entertain us with the pics????
Sue, my plan was just to whine bitch and complain incessantly until Jesse started the picture countdown, but I am open to other ideas!