What is the name of the website where people can rent cell phones while down in Cancun? My friend is going down and wanted to look into this. thanks
Thanks Karan I KNEW you would know..lol Was great meeting you...loved all of you guys...a bunch of REAL GREAT people Looking forward to next year!
Actually, you have more (and better) choices now. The latest thread I can recall on this is here (left click this text) and there are some others - even more detailed - in the forum as well For my next trip I'm going to use a Telcel distributor that I've used before called Mexitel because they have VOIP you can use from your cell phone to call back home at 2 cents per minute (and calls in Mexico cost the same as whatever normal Mexican phone calls cost in Mexico).
Great meeting you too!! There may be other choices than CancunValet but no one will come close to the excellent customer service you will get with your rental from them.
I've used both - as well as puchased my own Mexico SIM chip once upon a time. SIM chips are an iffy proposition. They're good for one shot, but they're not cheap and mine didn't work anymore when I returned to Mexico. Cancunvalet has a nice 'local' touch and I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to use the delivery service again. But for phones, Mexitel was entirely reliable, I had working phones and phone numbers before I left for Mexico, and they were (and with the VOIP, no doubt still are) the better bargain - both for phone rental and definitely in terms of the cost of the calling. I'd be interested to hear which other cell services you've tried in Mexico or is CV just the only place you've tried? (Or - might some of that loyalty be inspired by the fact that they pay to advertise here)?
Since this IS NOT my website and I make NO money off anyone who advertises on here, my loyalty to CancunValet is due to the years of excellent service I have received from them. I'm sure Steve would more than vouch for the fact that I make no money whatsoever off this site....although I doubt that is really necessary. Never once have I had anyone other than you question my motives for a recommendation. I do not rent their phones any longer but only because I was give a local telcel phone for my birthday by my boyfriend since I am there so much. Had it not been for that gift I would definitely still be renting from Cancunvalet. And without a doubt I will continue to recommend them for both cellphone rental as well as transportation.
Uh-huh... And telcel(mexitel) is what I use also - and would recommend as well. CV isn't the best price nor the latest technology, so I no longer recommend them. Most people no longer need 'hand holding' to know how to use their cell phone -- and shouldn't (don't) have to pay for it to use a cell phone in Mexico.