Cell Phones At Bash

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Tom and Candy, Feb 16, 2019.

  1. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    That's an assumption (the "it's obvious that" statement)... that sort of thing is exactly what our group, type, whatever, are wanting to get pics of so that, when we're not 3 sheets to the wind wasted (happens sometimes) we'll be able to remember how much fun we had. I've no idea if we're in the minority, or the other viewpoint is.

    I can absolutely send you pics of the above types of party-behavior, and assure you that the folks involved were not only willing to be picture subjects, but requesting it. Huh, that's not well written, but hopefully you get my drift.

    It's not the pics that's the problem. It's lack of consent involved in the pics. I totally agree with you that some dipshits whipping out their cameras/cell phones at Bash (it's not just single guys either) and snapping so they can message those to their "bros back home" is NOT cool. Stacia's beent he subject of that when she's been de-clothed. I took care of it with security (they always seem to be near her for some reason). Much better that way than the other more direct method, but that's the subject of another thread back in the day.

    One way we've been working through this exact issue with our group is to pretty much contain Bash pic-taking to those bench-seating areas since most of our group is repeaters and nearly all members. We're a bit out of the press, and can pretty much do as we want without interfereing with other folks' fun. Of course, I've got to admit that pics do get taken elsewhere, but the sort of things described above in-thread are indicative of a bunch of D-behavior. Douche, Dipshit, Dumb, Doorknob, etc.

    It's a tough issue to solve cleanly without irritating someone.
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  2. LionsNzebras

    LionsNzebras I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2012
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    We do take pictures, and always ask out of respect if there are others in the photos. If they don't want to be in the photos, they will move for us, or we shift focus or wait till later.
    When I am 90, all I have is photos, my memory may not be so good hehe.

    I wont have my cell phone out at the pool, and I fully disagree with any kind of live streaming. No face time, No snap chat, etc etc. Pictures is one thing, live streaming is another.
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  3. RedSkiBums

    RedSkiBums Guru Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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    This is the Mr writing.

    Coles Notes version:
    What do/should parents do with their kid's toys if those toys are used irresponsibly, in a manner that harms others whether by accident or intent?

    During our last trip we had two unexpected/unwanted issues with someone taking photos "of their friends" at BASH then posting them on FB. On one, Ms Skibum's face was more in focus than the alledged friends were. She was shocked, to put it mildly, discovering her pic on FB the next morning, called the guy out on FB (as did others), and he deleted the pic. On the other, she realized what was going on a split second before the guy took the pic so was able to turn away from the guy. If I remember correctly, within minutes she found the pic on FB, her hair swishing through the air masking her face.

    We've been to TTR four times with our fifth trip upcoming, three of those four being with a group. Sure, we've taken pics at the pool and Paty-O's/BASH, legitimately of our friends or people we have asked permission from prior to taking the shot. I've had security ask me to show them my pics, at Paty-O's, and give me the yes/no to them. with a few that captured bystanders too clearly being axed. No problem there, I deleted them on the spot without question. During our last trip, post-reno, we pretty much left the phones in our room for all but family-friendly beach pics.

    Judging by comments in this thread, and others, plus talking to guests while there it seems obvious some clientele, perhaps the majority of, would prefer a more firm photo/video policy and consistent enforcement of it. Whatever the current policy/enforcement is, it's not working, and no doubt it's a challenging/unpleasant aspect of the security job. The easiest solution, in my opinion, is the most simple. No phones permitted outside your room, full stop. First offense, it's confiscated until you check out, your photo album run through with any deletions made on demand at the discretion of security. Second offense, the phone gets confiscated and you're checking out immediately, all photos deleted. If/when you need to contact your kids, work, surf FB, etc do so in your room and ensure everyone can fully enjoy their vacation.
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    Last edited: Feb 16, 2019
  4. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Last April was really odd. There were people videoing the dance floor. Clearly not even their significant others / friends. Videoing the party. And they got away with it until we told them to stop.

    Then we took a picture of our group off to the side and I got scolded by security.

    Sometimes it is hard to figure. But I believe they are trying to enforce no cameras at bash but can’t catch everything. So sometimes we need to do some policing and share with the naive that it isn’t acceptable to take pics/vids of strangers. We try to do so nicely. Where as years ago I threw a phone in the ocean during the Mrs Temptation comp.

    Those that have been know how to take pics of their group with permission and not get others in it so I hope there is a middle of the road but I do fear with the way TTR is attracting a different crowd it may take an all or nothing approach at Bash :(
  5. tease

    tease Addict Registered Member

    Oct 3, 2013
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    I just wish people would grow up and have respect for other. From the hundreds of posts on here its clear to see most dont like/want pics being taken at sexy pool and bash so follow the rules and just dont, there are just too many acting like teenagers with thier instagram snapchat and fb shit you never know who’s life you may be changing and how if they are seen ...

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  6. Nwabvcpl

    Nwabvcpl Enthusiast Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2019
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    At Desire they give you a sticker when you check in to put over your camera lens on your phone. Not sure why the same basic concept wouldn't work at TTR.
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  7. Jessica

    Jessica Guru Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
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    Now I totally intend on being 100% respectful of making sure no one else is in the picture but I'm definitely getting a picture of me on my unicorn on the pool haha

    Also, I agree that a ban on phones at bash seems like the easiest way to prevent unwanted photo shoots. It's dark, hard to see, at the pool and anywhere else in the resort during the day you can see if someone is trying to sneak a creepy shot.

    Also, I will be a newbie in April so I have not been there to fully experience it but working at a bar I've taken peoples phone from them for recording me dealing with a drunk or arguing with some drunk angry girl, even reprimanding them for violating rules like bringing in outside alcohol. I mean literally snatched it from their hand and deleted it and threatened to sue if it surfaced on social media. And that's just me at work.
  8. Stacia_and_John

    Stacia_and_John T&A Tour Guide Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2012
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    This is one of those things... and I can only see it getting worse before it gets better.

    It's a knotty problem. If you go out in public, where as much as we'd like to believe otherwise, TTR is, people tend to believe that they can do what they want in public. That runs afoul of the fact that, while TTR is in fact "public" it is not "public property," which is a different thing. TTR … could... do various things to constrain the do-badders (see what I did there) with a no photos policy, yes. Might it fix things? With regards to this particular problem, it could, sure. Would it dampen the enthusiasm of people visiting, almost certainly across a spectrum of the crowd.

    This won't fix anything, though it's a nice aspirational statement: Pic taking is a freedom and a privilege, it's not a right. You have the privilege of taking the sexy/funny pic of your hottie, or the funny one of your firend… as long as they're down for it. If not, then not. But... this assumes adult behavior, and we know how well that works!

    I'm going to keep taking my pictures of my lady, my group, etc. Shoot, I can even do this at Desire. Proved it last trip. Same simple set of rules. Your people, no backdrops of other people and all is well.
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  9. Lindilou

    Lindilou Guru Registered Member

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I work in a college/university settings, and there is no halfway ground to making rules. Either you allow it or you don't. In order to be able to control things, it's gotta be a straight guide line where to cut and for us it's a no way cam at the playground. You can say all you want that it's only you in the pics , but there's always an idiot that WILL snap pics or vids that aren't previously authorized. How else do you want to control this?
    Just our two cents!
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  10. Jessica

    Jessica Guru Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
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    I really liked the sticker idea.
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