Has anyone ever seen a celebrity in Cancun? When My wife straightens her hair, people think she looks like Paris Hilton. Last time we went to Cancun 2 years ago, we had people following us around because they thought my iwfe was Paris. Funny.
I have read about quite a few resorts further south in the Riviera Maya that are regular hangouts for quite a few celebs. It's not uncommon to see thousands of vacationers partying like they are rock stars though
About 6 years ago or so are group of about 8 of us ran into Halle Berry and her fiance(Eric Benet) who soon became her husband I believe shortly after that and now there divorced. It wasn't to long after her little hit and run accident. They were down there with a few people from her side of the family and about twenty people from his side. Anyways we talked to her at Fat Tuesdays and they were going on the same booze cruise as us. We partied with them all night long. Very nice people. Got some funny pics of her trying to ride the mechincal bull and some other partying pics. One of our buddies flew in later then we did one year and the whole cast from the Drew Carey show was in the immigration line behind him. I guess bottom line is celebs go on vacation just like we do, so I'm sure they are some celebs always around Cancun anytime of the year. Nick and Renee
My boyfriend has seen and waited on several celebrities...although most are Mexican. He's served John Travolta, Saul from Jaguares a couple of times, and El Chavo de Ocho. Oh, and he kept seeing the dudes from Sin Banderas on the bus. He's told me about several others, but I tend to tune it out.
I saw the big male nurse on ER that always works in the nursing station. He was at the Cancun airport in line to go through imigration. He seemed to get a lot of attention.
I had a Dos Equis with Brett Favre and several Green Bay Packers after they won the Super Bowl several years back. The whole team was staying at the Moon Palace. Favre was very cool. The linemen were frickin' HUGE! I also talked to Antonio Banderas when he was walking in front of Kulkukan Plaza four years ago. He was not friendly. DaveT
Here in Vegas, I see Elvis all the time. Just last Sat he bought me 3 rounds since he lost a bet. Told him I would get fired this week the previous week, he said no.
Tons of celebrities come here. The immigration agents all have phones with cameras so they can get photos with celebs. They are pretty silly about it actually.