We'll definitely do something for SB 2008, not sure what yet - things here change overnight so we need to leave it closer the time before deciding. Bar crawls are good but there is only one organised one running right now and they are packed every night, especially at SB. Not sure I want to add in 50 or so cancuncare people to the 500 that will already be there. I like the personal touch. Maybe I can sort out our own deal closer the time. BTW if we do Sunday lunch Ian is not invited this time But I will be back at the Oasis for drinks with lightweight Jason.
hahahah ill be there at the oasis steve, would be nice to have a drink with ya again.....since the last time was 2005 i beleive
We'll dine out next time, I'll pay But I wont stay up until the wee small hours the night before drinking the worlds supply of vodka and listening to stories from a Canadian about global warming having an impact on society and how he's getting pretty pissed off at been chased down the high street in the village he lives in by polar bears :lol: :lol: :lol: Ian :lol: :lol: :lol:
sweet cant wait looking forward to meeting u getting drunk with another fellow pro and a nice guy u are a stand out dude