myself and 3 lads from sydney would be keen to play beach cricket do shots skull beer and loathe in the sun of cancun thats probably the best thing iv'e ever heard
theres actually 8 of us going but only 3 of us would play the other 5 will be asleep there lazy buggers ummm we are arriving there on the 10th of march and leaving on the 26th for Vegas wooooo
Hey aust, can you resize your avitar for us, about half the size is the normal size for the forums. No biggy, we just try and keep those pictures small as it tends to mess with the format of the board. But welcome to the board, happy to have you here!! If you need help here is a great thread on how to go about doing it!!
Drinking excessive amounts and playing cricket on the beach in Cancun, Boonie would be proud. Well i'm keen to roll the arm over during the day, and hopefully throw the leg over during the night.