I know I have done the same. I stopped payments in June. I would bet if all of us who are still paying do this we will see some movement on this issue. I would also suggest filing complaints with Profeco (mexican BBB) and Indiana Attorney General (RCI based there). PM me if you need info on this
If this is the real truth and we could get documetation of in i.e "we are being specifically singled out within RCI." we may be able to get somewhere with the Indiana Attorney General http://www.indianaconsumer.com/consumer_complaint.asp I have been unsuccessful at getting RCI to send me this new points restriction policy in writing. I am sure they know it would never hold up. I strongly suggest anyone affected by the points restriction inundate the link above with complaints. We'll stand a better chance fighting on our own soil then through Mexican agencies. I can only wonder what was I thinking when I took leave of my senses and bought into this! Been kicking myself ever since. Many people have mentioned they were visiting Temptations soon and were going to make some noise at the sales office but I have yet to see any postings from folks who have been there recently. Are any of you out there and can enlighten us? Chris seems to have gotten VERY QUIET as well. No info coming out of there at all!
Just for the heck of it I tried to log on to RCI website. It is not available to us. I can log in under my other property. So i called them to see what gives. i was told Premier members can't use to online access! Interesting though they sent me an email today (one for each account) stating they are having a 40% off sale on last call vacations tomorrow. Of course if you are a premier member you can't acess the last call list!! Today Last call Vacations are listed for Sept at $199 plus $60 per day AI fee. Now mind you we would have to pay $68 AI fee at a member! Tomorrow that $199 will be $159! so much for the website being fixed!!