33 deposits received so far, we're over the minimum numbers so the cruise is confirmed. Please remember we meet at 9:15am in front of the hotel, around the lobby area. jonandtiff (2) aquaholic (2) james toronto and wentcrazy (2) B & C (2) Lola B (2) beach<3R (2) 40thbirthday (2) Agave Kiss Erin&Nick (2) Lucky281977 (2) T&C (2) miles (2) barb&dave (2) reddog (1) wvcouple26302 (2) Jason & Tia (2) Caz-k-Ade (2) B&J (2)
arrggghhhh this is so discouraging. We missed your cruise last year and looks like it will happen again this year ( we arive on the 4th). We land around 4:30pm I believe, so we'll be waiting for all you epic people to come back and meet us. Have a great cruise everyone
Steve's wife Janet gave me some amazing tablets last time (I had a hangover and felt sea sick) can't remember the name, they were brilliant, took about 30 mins for me to be back to normal... then I ended up dancing naked... so maybe they made me a bit loopy lol. Lynfa x
No..no..no.... I was making a joke about the fact that Steve suggested that one of the best ways to make sure she didn't have problems was to not party the night before and get a good nights sleep. Give the EPIC crew history for partying I figured the chances of that were slim and none. Hense the comment that she was screwed. In past experiences people that I know that have problems on the water either use the patch or pill, get on the cruise and usually make it OK. The fact that the party is going on non-stop usually is enough to distract the person from thinking about the movement of the boat. I would say, sign up and go... Sorry if the joke was taken wrong. Seriously I thought it was funny at the time.. but apologize if I offended anyone. Jamie
I get sea sick too! Icky.. No worries, I will bring extra sea sick medicine if Suz needs it! :mermaid: <3 Erin
Me too yuck. Got the patch and extra less drowsy dramamine for anyone that needs it. Willing to share...