24 deposits received so far: jonandtiff (2) aquaholic (2) james toronto and wentcrazy (2) B & C (2) Lola B (2) beach<3R (2) 40thbirthday (2) Agave Kiss Erin&Nick (2) Lucky281977 (2) T&C (2) miles (2) barb&dave (2)
Depends on the weather and how rough the sea is. This year has been unusually windy and rougher than previous years. I'd say on most trips (ave 35 people) there are 1 or 2 people who get sick, sometimes this is due to over excess the night before. A patch should certainly help, so would taking it a little easy the previous night and getting a decent nights sleep.
Come on EPIC crew ,his boat should have been full by now.....lol. We need to make some kind of record in filling up a boobs crew in record time