OK so since we got our spot I volunteer us to help get all the hungover people get out of bed. Usually if you throw a bucket of ice on them they get right up. It's been a few years, but we can pull out that strategy.
I know ZandM got ahold of us on Facebook and said they were glad we posted a reminder to get it booked, and got their deposit in. If my calculations are correct, with who's posted since Steve's last update, think we're at 71! Great job June Junkies! Ed
I hope Dana and Billy make it. They haven't been on here in awhile, we sent them a message via FB. Letting them know that the cruise was about to sell out, and to get their deposit in. Hopefully they make it.
We are now at 76 deposits received and are: Sold Out! No more deposits please. Deposits received from: tntinftw (2) jkhartless (2) acjsts (2) $parkie7 (2) warm sun & cold beer (4) OHcpl (4) Ben & Lisa (2) Masada (2) twoxtrouble4u (2) KDMD (2) NikeRitaGhis (2) Btownplay (2) joedogg1968 (2) Griffrhys (2) KN (2) sexycats (2) livinitup86 (2) Capecodshorties (2) Jessned (2) mwmram (2) Boy & Girl (2) Livingdahl (1) BBGParty (2) Kev Watson (1) txtwo4fun (2) TandT (2) Lasandro (2) Nacho0212 (2) Sug (2 Beth P (2) Bricin (2) W&K (2) AugieDoggie (2) herandI1990 (2) DanaSue (2) ZandM (2) Temp-me94 (2)