We may be making reservations for TTR late in January because you don't have a cruise before Feb. 13, and we may not be able to go that late in Feb. - will decide in the next few days and will let you know. The changes sound great - can't wait to go!
Sultryfox - warning -- there will be copious amounts of fun and shenanigans waiting for you if you book late-January. A week-long bachelor/bachelorette party for MandD, to name just one 7-night reason...
LOL - we are probably booking tomorrow for Jan 25 - Feb 1 - still in the deciding phase but that is most likely what is happening for now! I don't mind shenanigans abound on vacation, or bachelor/bachelorette parties - sounds like lots of fun, and we will have a jacuzzi room for more private parties later
30 deposits received so far, we've hit the minimum of 20 so the cruise is confirmed. Plenty of room for more though. Deposits received from: Tiogamike (2) Contructoman (2) CurlsandSmiley (2) MandD (2) Freakygeek (2) Joecan26 (2) 24funNF (2) Chris&Tammy (2) Michael LB (2) Dave&Lisa (2) db11b (2) StaceyChris (2) C&T (4) Janet Y (2)
A week in Cancun, a new Boobs Cruise boat and we get to meet Sultryfox. If this is a dream I don't want to wake up!