We're at 24 booked so far. Still officially one short of the 25 people we need but lets go ahead and confirm it anyway. kandl (2) WSR (2) Spicy (1) Glysson Robert Billy (3) Rafael (1) Norfolk Nights (2) Judy (1) Tony (1) Blackbird96 (4) 23Red (2) Viff (2) Eric V (1) JerseyPhillyScott (1) Augi (1) Plenty of space available our maximum is 65.
We're at 28 booked so far. The cruise is confirmed to run. kandl (2) WSR (2) Spicy (1) Glysson Robert Billy (3) Rafael (1) Norfolk Nights (2) Judy (1) Tony (1) Blackbird96 (4) 23Red (2) Viff (2) Eric V (1) JerseyPhillyScott (1) Augi (1) LisaKevin (2) Turboducky (2) Plenty of space available our maximum is 65.
steve we tried to book on Friday but we had issues when asking us from wich state we were, it gave us no option for Ontario, only US states, maybe were doing something wrong, but were definitely in, we just have to figure it out so we can get you a deposit.
I assume you are getting stuck on the payment page (PAYPAL). Note that on that page, the first question it ask is COUNTRY (UNITED STATES is in that space when you start)- once you choose CANADA from the drop down menu, the form will change - STATES will change to PROVINCES and ZIP CODE will change to POSTAL CODE. You will be good to go from there.
Thank you Jim and Cheryl, it is probably where we missed it, will try again today, once again thank you for the info.
Hi, I replied to your email Friday suggesting the same as Jim & Cheryl, maybe you missed it? Anyway it seems to have worked out fine as your deposit payment came through this morning.
We're at 32 booked so far. The cruise is confirmed to run. kandl (2) WSR (2) Spicy (1) Glysson Robert Billy (3) Rafael (1) Norfolk Nights (2) Judy (1) Tony (1) Blackbird96 (4) 23Red (2) Viff (2) Eric V (1) JerseyPhillyScott (1) Augi (1) LisaKevin (2) Turboducky (2) Bob Reilling (2) Gilles and Amy (2) Plenty of space available our maximum is 65.