I remember last year that Steve said he would not say it was the best cruise ever but it was in the top one. Of course, it was the best in my eyes and he probably tells that to other people like the June Junkies! Just like Chinos and the beads record..........
If not, there is always Kyle........ Wait I can't do that to my beer pong partner. There is always Brent, yeah that's it, that's the ticket. Brent!
Do what?? Special costumes??? Now I KNOW this is gonna be crazy "in a good way" single anyone will be nice so I'm not looked on as " that guy" lol AJ
Last year Adam had to wear a skirt and was the cruise bitch! This year it could be worse for you. You just never know. Be cool and you'll have fun. Be a weenie and you may not have fun. Easy enough, right? Lol