Amazing how many wanted to go on the 11th All these years coming down and doing Steve's cruises... I think this one sold out the quickest... Likely has more on standby than any I can remember! Steve maybe we need two boats for the 11th. Now that would be a first... Tandem party! I am not sure we would ever make it back! See everyone soon.
Can we just tow a really big inflatable raft behind the boat? Probly hold ten more people and a couple cans of AIWC. I'd take my turn in it
Standby list Bernie and Julie (2) email 12/4 Livin406 (4) The Peaches (2) Rick and Jen (2) Dboyte (2) gsc5375 (1) To be fair, I can't see very many spaces opening up for the standby list. Remember we do have other dates available - 7th, 13th, 15th and 19th May.
Kelly Cat says our cruise on the 11th will be a shit show, And with those fuckers Chinos and Omar out to sea we'll go, Mel decided the theme would be Neon, And with body paints on order you know hardly a swimsuit will be on, Whats that little voice in my head sayin', UHT OH!? Happy Friday May 11 Mayniacs!