We'll also hopefully have a few of our own local friends joining us on the cruise (American, Canadian and Mexican all English speaking), not sure how many exactly just yet but have invited 3 single girls and 2 couples so it should be quite a party.
I really really really need to get out of this freaking place and relax for the sake of my sanity :icon_eek::icon_eek: So someone make sure I have fun and keep work off my mind
Deal. I'll keep your mind off work if you keep me occupied to *L*... I'm finding that it's easy to stare at a computer screen all day when you're working. What I'm doing is getting old fast.
What makes today worse is I forgot my phone so I can't sit here and play Angry Birds instead of working. I keep trying to tell my self that I only have 2 more work days to make it through but my brain does not seem to care
We are dying here too.....This is ridiculous we even tried drinking margarita's by the pool here but the neighbors didn't approve of the topless people playing dirty darts.....Something about blah blah kids blah blah LOL :icon_confused:
I had a feeling that this one would float OK.. Not too often that Steve gets a 4 cruise month! The folks in May know how to PARTY!!!!!! Jamie
Steve, Where do i sign up for that SECURITY Job? I will make sure and keep up with all the bikinis! Tim