We can't wait! In her mind, my lady's bikini top is already off! I'll see if we can't find a couple cans of spiked whipped cream. If we don't go through it on the cruise, we'll need to find some folks to help us use it some evening... :3some::3some:
We were shopping today and caught ourselves saying..."not slutty enough." LOL...nowhere on this earth like like Temptation! Can't wait to hang out!! Jackie
potentially 3 people here. mentioned at work about this and waiting tomorrow to see the verdict from the other 2. if all is good will book tomorrow.
Awesome!! And just like that we're up to 25! Steve, how many do we need to book the big boat? :xyxthumbs: Jackie
25 deposits received so far. Plenty more room though. jdb (2) Eee&Tee (2) Matt & Lauren (2) J&DS (2) Brian & Julie (2) j3 (2) kharen 712 (2) YannS (2) Simon&Cate (2) J&S (2) MDman26 (2) chrisjc88 (3)