That's a given. That works for most of us. Its really just for the waiting at PatyO's before, the line up pic getting on the boat and the shot of us when we first get in the boat, which I'm usually behind someone or some thing cuz I'm already naked. But whatever. Lol.
76 deposits received so far. Plenty more room. Deposits received from: Guido and Blondie (2) Bourbon Life (2) Brighteyes (2) rsharleybiker (2) Mandafun (2) ace4me (2) Loopywoz (2) Jenandalbert (2) Derek&Carrie (2) REDMULLER (1) Ian & Cheryl (2) ed-laura (2) BostonMel (4) C&C (2) JimnTina (2) carol&jeff (2) Ange and Graeme (2) livin406 (4) Mike H (2) Canadian Dos Equis Fan (1) Fire Racer (1) robandcassi (2) sunseeker0013 (2) kandl (2) bamoore (1) Jamie (3) Lenora & Chris (2) BOATAHOLIC (2) Daffy23 (4) curiouscouple0616 (2) beachcpl4fun (2) Droz1973 (1) 2sunburned (2) Bambi (2) Gavshe (2) Kevin_Ailsha (2)
Well, I know there are at least 2 more. Lexi and Jamie missed the 12th and they booked the 9th. I have a feeling that a few more might do the same. The 12th sold out in 11 minutes.