The Mrs brought 2 tops for the Boobs Cruise. One for the mast and one for the walk from the boat to the lunch stop down the long dock past the other tour and ferry boats filled with people and cameras. There were no tube tops available that cruise.
Ok. We all know that Chinos is trying to get kids to Disney. We all know that various activities have gone on to try and raise funds. But the cause is good, so here's another one. You may know Anne and Julian Robinson were planning on coming this year till Julian had his appendix out and they had to cancel. But the love didn't stop. So with donations from his mum they have teamed up with Chris and I to create a Boobs Cruise Challenge Fund. Starting with the cruise on May 9th we will match dollar for dollar any donation made to the fund by those on the cruise up to $1,000. If we don't exhaust the funds on that cruise I will be back on the 12th with the same offer and each cruise beyond until our $1,000 is covered. Make it count folks. Jamie
I'm not going to be able to go on the cruise because it's sold out- can I still donate? I'll be there the 7th through the 10th.
I still need to figure out to do while all you cool people are on the cruise! I looked into a Coba tour but I would have to leave at 630 am... yikes!
Thank you to the all the great people that made the May 9th Boob cruise a most pleasurable trip. We had so much fun and met alot of great people. shawn and cindy