I'm trying to imagine that conversation... Vita: "Do you have AIWC?" Clerk: "Not anymore. It kept exploding in the store." Vita: "That's odd...I wonder why." Clerk: "Beats the hell out of me. It was right over there between the firecrackers and the lighter fluid...see? Just above the shorted out electrical outlet." Vita: "Huh...go figure."
We will be bringing a can or two of AIWC on the cruise to share. If it explodes in our luggage we will just have to wear the clothes and I guess everyone can just take turns doing body shots off us.:ladiesman1: Bahahahaha!
Jamie thinks I've taken too many sharp blows to the head. I'll make a hard push today, as we will be headed to the...wait for it...AIRPORT!!! after I get off a conference call at 4:30 today...which I hope doesn't require my undue attention because my brain is already in the Sexy Pool.
Tricia and I have never had this AIWC that y'all are talking about but it sounds pure GENIUS! The possibilities are endless.
One couple cancelled so 55 people signed up so far. Our maximum is 70 so still spaces left. Mike H (2) Otis (2) Edward-Alli (2) Deb3667 (2) Liketotravel (2) Darcy & Victoria (2) sillyleo and Rome2000 (2) Alex1987 (1) JimNLisa (4) Deznbilly (2) theroops (2) xcurtx (2) ak_cpl (2) aprilnmark (2) Rickylucy1 (2) Tom&Lisa (4) Francis LaCour (2) BillandTricia (2) Lee & Gail (2) dolores/jesus (2) Tabtwits (4) shotgun (2) TnAInATX (2) Bruce_Pam (2) Ski Chik (2) Chris & Cheryl O (2)
Deposit paid... Two more first timers We're not staying at Temptations, but have nearly booked this cruise the last two years... finally pulled the trigger.