OMG! I forgot about that! I remembered last Saturday I picked at the stupid Easter candy making the kids eggs for tomorrow's hunt at my Aunt's house and now I'm eating saltines like they are a food group - FACK! Must stop or I'll be all self-conscious and pissy in my skimpy clothes!!!
has not been an update lately still stuck at 55 people. Still a great crowd more room to move around.
Rome said something about this earlier. I think it will sell out at least day of, or be very, very close to capacity. Otis, Roops, Curt and the couple of other people staying off-site meet people and tell them, plus any TTR people not on CCC, that's a VERY quick 15.
Rome tried on his tan through suit that matches my bikini I had posted - it is looking pretty dang nice! Almost don't want to do any sharing but since it is the Boobs Cruise, I'll be nice lol