By my count we're at 10 already, in less than a one day...... not bad. Can we set a record for going from "provisional" to "confirmed???" Just need 15 more people.
More PPL Come on folks sign up. Hey what happens if we dont get enough people :lotsofmichaelfs::mnm::lotsofmichaelfs::mnm::lotsofmichaelfs:
My understanding is that if we don't have at least 25 people the cruise won't happen. More than 25 is better though. There are at least 10 more who indicated that they had interest last week so we'll see if they get on board soon. From what I hear these cruises are a blast (some say the highlight of the trip) ----- so let's make it happen!
I realy hope they do join in I have been looking forward to the cruise since day one Come onnnnn folks sign up