Don't worry, Meet us all in Paty - O's lounge in the evening and we'll fill you in on what you missed!! Hell, I'll even buy your drinks that night!!:lotsofmichaelfs: By the way, check your mail and private messages.
steve good at twisting arms lol, and if steves drinking as well, it could be a fun return voyage , our leader likes his drinks :beer4: that was our last night a few years ago, this was sue's condition when we returned for a burger, thank god our flight was delayed but she still managed to keep hold of her glass
I don't know if Joyce and I want to fall asleep around this crew... lord knows what will happen to ya!!!!
Thats a great pic...yeah ive seen pics of steve chugging a jose cuervo bottle , I hope to get drunk with everyone, hopefully before the cruise, so that every one can help me walk after wards or at least point me to the nearest bench/bathroom etc haha.... only a few sleeps left...
good really cant beat a good night or week of drinking with good people.... its memories in the making thats for sure lol
THAT would depend at what point your going to tap-out at... otherwise it becomes memories in the losing!! hhahah