We have received 32 deposits for this cruise which is more than the 25 minimum we need so we're confirmed to run. Plenty more room. Deposits received from: Chris&Tammy (2) sugX (2) 2v (2) Salesman69 (4) Ken_Missy (2) JessandRob (2) OhioM&J (2) Kirby/Gina (2) islander112 (2) funcouple81 (4) Madnss (2) tgrlandboo (2) outsidethebox123 (2) Hygina (2)
We have received 42 deposits for this cruise which is more than the 25 minimum we need so we're confirmed to run. Plenty more room. Deposits received from: Chris&Tammy (2) sugX (2) 2v (2) Salesman69 (4) Ken_Missy (2) JessandRob (2) OhioM&J (2) Kirby/Gina (2) islander112 (2) funcouple81 (4) Madnss (2) tgrlandboo (2) outsidethebox123 (2) Hygina (2) GreenTeam (2) Tony1 (2) Miguel (2) Mike&Patty (2) summernights (2)